Helt i overensstemmelse med sit efternavn, dyrker Brian Mørk tilværelsens mere dystre sider. Han er selv den primære genstand for sin barske, men befriende humor – og hans vanvid og syn på sagerne har ført ham vidt omkring. Som stand-upper er han kendt for sin tilbagelænede og cool stil. Derudover har han leveret materiale til børne-tv, historierne om flodhesten Dolph – og Zulu Awards.
Brian Mørk Show is a Danish comedy talk show , with stand-up comedian Brian Mørk as the host. Each program has Mørk visits of two actors or comedians who interviewed with false and often spontaneous questions . During the talks improvising guests and play the game without protest, while they tried to make their responses funny....
Mork & Jul is a Danish satirical TV show....
Comedy Aid 2011...
This was the fourth Zulu Royal event, this time covering HRH 'Prins Joachim' second wedding to 'Prinsesse Marie Cavallier' (having divorced previous wife 'Prinsesse Alexandra' in 2005, after almost 10 years of marriage.) New comedian trio 'Brian Mørk', 'Simon Jul' and 'Omar Marzouk' hosted the live "piggyback" transmission, taking over from previous regulars 'Casper Christensen', 'Frank Hvam', 'Lasse Rimmer', 'Jan Gintberg' and 'Lars Hjortshøj', and satirically commenting on every imaginable AND...