Snobs is a 2003 Australian TV series by Southern Star Group broadcast on the Nine Network. The series is set in Eden Beach, a fictional town in Sydney's northern beaches and follows the story of a community of travelers known as "The Ferals" who decide to set up camp in the town, despite protest and anger from residents....
Water Rats is an Australian TV police procedural broadcast on the Nine Network from 1996 to 2001....
Based on a true story, the tale of a cement truck driver named Danny, whose long awaited vacation is cancelled thanks to his scheming girlfriend, Trudy. Danny escapes his grim life in suburban Australia and blasts into the skies in a chair tied with helium balloons. A mighty thunderstorm blows him clean off the map, and spits him out far away over the lush green town of Clarence. In this new town, he rockets into the world of Glenda, the town's only parking cop. While the media back home becomes...
Jack investigates a gangland execution at a children’s football game twelve years ago....