Korea's Got Talent is a South Korean reality television show that was first broadcast on 4 June 2011 on tvN. The show is based on the Got Talent series format, originating with Britain's Got Talent. This is the show's first series in Korea. The judges are Kolleen Park, Jang Jin and Song Yun-ah. The show started accepting applicants on 9 February 2011 via ARS, the official website, and smart phone apps. The show held regional auditions nationwide starting in Busan on 2 April 2011. The show beca...
A mystery game show in which six celebrity players become suspects in a murder case and they have to prove themselves innocent while at the same time try to solve the mystery of who killed the victim among them like the game 'Clue'....
Korea's version of the late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory cast members....
Led by a trio of Korean celebrities, a multinational panel of men engage in mostly lighthearted debates on issues that affect Korea and beyond....
Due to a massive car accident and a twist of fate, passengers on four cars find out the answer to the final multimillion-dollar question in an upcoming episode of The Quiz Show. Everyone rushes to compete, their only challenge is to get to that final question....
After learning his boss betrayed him, a mob lackey plans to break out of prison and take revenge....
A baseball player learns he has three months to live and drowns his sorrows at a bar, where the female bartender turns out to be a longtime admirer....
Four unlikely assassins question their assignments because they genuinely care about their customers and victims. However, they attract police attention and a prosecutor is on their trail....
A Korean film about a group of women who end up barricaded on the roof of their apartment building in the middle of a heat wave....