Eva & Adam is a Swedish TV series consisting of two seasons. The original airdate for the first episode was 30 January 1999. The show is about a boy, Adam Kieslowski, and a girl, Eva Strömdahl. Adam has Polish ancestry; his father is Polish. Eva is a Swedish girl. The two children live in Liljeholmen, a district of the Swedish capital Stockholm. During the show, Eva and Adam fall in love. Sometimes there are obstacles, but after a while a true love has developed. Other storylines in the sho...
A teenager's reputation is destroyed when she falls asleep drunk at a party and some boys take provocative photos of her....
Adam meets Eva, he begins to like Her, and it seems that she is interested in him....
Already a couple for 3 years, teenagers Eva and Adam are happy together. But when friends start joking about an impending marriage, Eva is angered and decides to dump Adam. Hurt and upset, Adam seeks comfort with Petra. But when Eva learns about Adam's new romance, she realizes she's made a mistake and sets out to win him back....
Vera and Vanja, two vampire sisters, are forced to run for their lives, when Vera kills the leader of a biker-gang in a night club. While escaping from the bikers, Vanja gets more determined that she wants to leave the outcast vampire-lifestyle and adjust to the human world. She wants to live a normal life, even though it means the end of a life together with her sister. Vera won't accept a life in solitude and is willing to fight to make her sister stay....