Following the lives of five young women in Barcelona. Close friends whose professional lives, friendships, love, passion and sense of humour make up a series of stories that revolve around self-assurance and loyalty to one's principles...
A group of high school friends meet again after 25 years to attend the funeral of a mutual friend, and from that point on they try to recover their friendship....
Summer 1985. As every year, Rodri travels from Catalonia to Galicia and is reunited with his four friends. As real-world problems begin to undermine their friendship, the five of them embark on a nighttime adventure in search of a mythical object....
While searching for a solution to his serious health condition, David, a renowned neurosurgeon, discovers a sinister secret hidden in the past....
A teenager who went missing and was presumed dead returns home after eight years to find a family deeply affected by his disappearance. Gradually, doubts arise about whether he really is the missing boy or an impostor....
The film humorously recounts the adventures of three young friends, now in full quarantine, who arrive in Valencia to fulfill the last wishes of a fourth friend, and older sister of one of them, who had died a year earlier. The trip, which seems directed from beyond by the dead woman, becomes a double adventure. A comic adventure, in which the ashes, first in an urn and then in a luxurious handbag, take center stage, and a dramatic adventure, that of the reunion of the friends with an old love o...
On September 6, 2017, the Catalan regional government called an independence referendum. This propagandistic documentary by the Catalan government collects the experiences of an illegal referendum that led to the virtual independence of Spanish territory and the biggest constitutional crisis in Spain since 1981...
Basilio a pickpocket with no luck, enters a mental institution to retrieve a valuable diamond necklace that briefly passed through his hands and whose value was unable to recognize. Once inside the asylum, Basilio will try to use all the skills of his trade to overcome the threats that keep him from reaching his goal. In the end, the only escape for Basilio will be to undergo the "Torapia", an innovative experimental therapy that connects man with the beast within us all....