This series takes place at a cutting-edge city hospital. The first season follows Ella, a skilled obstetrician who leads a team of fellow medical professionals. Together, they must perform under immense pressure. The healthcare providers and their patients represent all walks of life and amidst their many triumphs and struggles, laughter and tears occur in equal measure. The thin line between one's personal life and one's professional life becomes increasingly blurred when working such long hour...
Kootje de Beer has sold his café Schaep met de 5 Pooten. It was time for a new challenge. Kootje started a camping at the North Sea: 't Vrije Schaep. His friend Lukas moves along with him and his regular clients don't let him down. But, where is Door? Without her, nothing is the same......
Kootje won a cruise on the Rhine and takes Door with him on vacation....
After a divorce, Hannah decides to get her life back on track....
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen....
Astrid Holleeder works towards the moment when she definitively betrays her brother to Justice. Flashbacks make it clear what childhood she and her brother have wrestled themselves with and how painful, but necessary, her betrayal is....
Four different families in a medium-sized Dutch city are followed. Their children attend the same high school. The parents all have their own way of raising children. But for all of them it is true that they set the bar very high for themselves and their little ones: life must be perfect above all!...
Follow the Dutch royal family in the 19th century....
Amazing comedians and harder laughs! Ten talents have six hours to make the others laugh. Who will be the last one laughing?...
In WWII's final years, a soldier in the German army, a British glider pilot, and a Dutch resistance fighter's paths intertwine. Their choices shape destinies, impacting not only their freedom but also that of others....
Fisherman’s son Benjamin - Bennie - Stout is a boy with a heart of gold who always gets himself into trouble. His St. Nicholas wish list includes a pedal car, just like the one the sneaky mayor’s son Roderick has. These are the depression years in the 1930s and because the haul falls short, his father stays in Spain a little longer to earn some extra money. Bennie now only has one wish left: that his father will come home. If need be, he will go and get him from Spain himself. He catches Roderic...
On the night of his seventh birthday, sweet Alfie suddenly changes into a white fluffy werewolf. He doesn’t understand why. Alfie struggles with himself, because the wolf at night is capable of doing things that the shy boy would not during the day. Who is Alfie ? Will he be able to accept the way he really is ? A quirky and smart film that will delight you about a young boy who suddenly develops fullmoon issues....
The friendship between the impulsive and adventurous Pim and the more cautious Pom is put to the test when they are faced with trying to find their way home....
A Dutch mockumentary about children and their ambitious parents' quest for fame at a local talent show in the small town of Bannebroek....
Mirte is a cleaner in the reception centre for asylum seekers at the airport. She tries to forget her past through routine. When the charismatic West African Luc is brought in, Mirte seems to get a grip on her life again. A film about loss, fleeing and love from an unexpected corner....
Chef Monica is opening a new restaurant in Amsterdam with her boyfriend. To do so she has to go back to her roots, a village called Noorbeek in Zuid-Limburg, to cut some ties. Quickly she stumbles upon an old lover. Much has changed throughout the years, but unexpectedly many more still feels familiar and safe. Is Amsterdam really the right call?...
When a successful young artist named Benjamin is involuntarily committed, he is completely baffled, for he doesn’t remember anything about what happened. Life in the psychiatric institute is violent and absurd, but step by step, Benjamin seems to come to grips with himself again. He starts to realize how narcissistic he used to be. When he is released and meets up with his old friends, he is confronted with yet another truth....
A normal class, ordinary children and a regular school teacher. Or not. The lives of the children in Mr Frans' class are turned upside down when they discover that he sometimes turns into a frog. And Sita is so fond of her teacher that she wants to protect him at all costs from all those dangerous animals... Based on the novel by bestselling Dutch author Paul van Loon....
Tim’s parents start a hotel business on the coast. Their dream comes true, but Tim is less excited. Moving, a new school, new friends, hopefully: he is not sure what to expect. Next, he discovers a frozen man in the basement. When he comes to, it turns out to be a spy who had a thrilling adventure there thirty years ago. Together, they try to find out what happened back then, while new mysteries keep piling up....
A cat who turns into a young woman helps a journalist protect their town from a factory boss with an evil plan....
On a farm in the infinite countryside of North Groningen, David is eating in silence while Claudia looks sulkingly out of the kitchen window. Then three impetuous members of a fanfare ring the doorbell. They are out of petrol and looking for shelter from the rain. The initially silent struggle degenerates into a chaos....
Young musician Suus is nicknamed 'Roodkapje' for her perpetual red hat. After a local talent show, her career takes off. Overwhelmed, she and her pianist Jasper de Jager employ manager Wolf Uitenbosch. How will this modern fairy tale end?...
Registration of the second theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo Plien (van Bennekom) & Bianca Krijgsman....
Two lonely brothers and two failed artists....
A man from the province looks back on his graduation year, some teachers, the parental home and especially his father....
Seven young men who played soccer together since their early youth grow apart and are forced to think about the nature of their friendship. In a comic way and a very Dutch setting, All Stars is about pregnant girlfriends and homosexuality, career plans and the power of parents....
The eccentric Miss Ank tries to pick up the pieces at her primary after the loss of their principal. Faced with a shortage of teachers, and increasingly demanding parents, the board hires an interim head to get things in order. Pretty soon e-teaching takes over, with an actual robot replacing the teachers, and CCTV enabling over-involved parents to keep a constant eye on what’s happening. Finding themselves up against this heartless new regime, pupils and teachers decide to join forces and rebel...
Gerrie (68) from Rotterdam has been living in the Algarve with his second wife Rosa for years but is still officially registered in the Netherlands. Gerrie, who used to be a bus driver, is a COPD patient and travels to Rotterdam once a year for his checkups and other routine visits. He stays with his Cape Verdean stepdaughter and reunites with his son Dick (45), who is at odds with himself and the rest of the world. Gerrie has not been paying attention to his son's issues for years. Dick always ...