The Next Top Model is a Greek reality television show that forms part of the Top Model series. Greek model Vicky Kayas assumes the role of Tyra Banks from the original series as the head of the search as well as a mentor for the contestants. The first season premiered on October 12, 2009. The basic premise of the series is a group of young female contestants who live together in a house for several weeks while taking part in various challenges, photo shoots and meetings with members of the mode...
Aspiring models compete for a chance to break into the business with a panel of judges critiquing their progress throughout the competition....
A group of Greek solders, who serve their military service in Kos, is sent to guard the skerry of Pitta. Everything looked normal until a Turkish boat disembarks 4 castaways on Pitta....
Seven years after the incident in Pitta, all from the group leaves the Aegean, and get's to shore... Stavrakomathiakakis - after the mysterious kidnap of his 12 years old Pakistanian protégé Noori - leaves Psiloritis and, following her tracks, invades - in the middle of crisis - the capital. There, Parlavatzas and his chef, Papadakis, fight to salvage his Eastern fast food Sevdali restaurant. In the meantime hacker and "Roben Of The Shelves", Nakos, tries to wake up his fellow citizens to revolt...
Sophia, the daughter, is returning to the Athenian suburb of Polydroso to take care of Sophia, the mother. Back in her neighbourhood, she will confront the reasons that made her leave in the first place. Polydroso is a mystical isolated suburb and both Sophias spend their time daydreaming about ghosts of the past. A film about tender people in a non-tender world....