Set in the Xinhai Revolution era, the story tells of Liu An Shun, a promising escort master in a reputable armed escort business owned by his teacher. He is poised to take over the business from his teacher and marry his daughter. However, his uncompromising follow-the-rules attitude leads him into a series of incidents that causes him to be disgraced. To redeem himself, he moves to Beijing to establish an escort business branch and to prove himself worthy. While there, he faces other escort ma...
The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is an upcoming Chinese television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. It is produced by the companies Zhejiang Hua Ce Media and Dong Yang Da Qian Media, and directed by Hong Kong television series director Lai Shui-ching. Filming started on 10 November 2012 and the series is expected to be released in 2013....
A young woman who has had a tough life tries to find happiness with the man she loves. Are the ill-fated lovers destined to be apart?...
The life of Sir Run Run Shaw, showcasing the tycoon's legendary life, the story of a man and his enduring love with three women in his life....
Tong Siji's parents passed away when she was just a little girl, so she has to take care of her siblings and bear the burden of the family. Tong Siji takes part time jobs everywhere to earn extra income. Later, she meets Yi Yi. The two young people gradually fall in love. Du Juan, Yi Yi’s mother, finds that Siji is the daughter of Cheng Kangsheng, who is the president of Fu Kang Department Store...
In the dead of night, actress Zhou Yunqi is brutally murdered in her home. Investigator Zhao Shang uncovers a complex web of relationships involving six key suspects—each with a deep connection to Zhou Yunqi. As the investigation unfolds, the intricate dynamics of obsession, jealousy, and hidden motives among them come to light, revealing the darker sides of human nature....
In 1942, the Chinese government received intelligence that the Japanese may be developing a dangerous biological weapon in a remote part of Burma.The Chinese Expeditionary Force, a secret specialized squad, is dispatched to the remote region to try to stop the Japanese actions. Led by the tough female commander, the highly trained soldiers can't seem to get along....
Jiao Jia Ren was saved by pediatrician Gu Li Feng as a child and followed in his footsteps as a young adult. Aware of her talent and potential, Gu Li Feng, now the director of the top children’s hospital in the city, bends the rules to take her in as a registrar. Surrounded by a group of elite specialists at her new workplace, Jiao Jia Ren is no longer the cream of the crop and works extra hard to make up for the gap in skill level. Jiao Jiaren and her colleagues Deng Ziang, Gu Jiaren, and Wang...
Sun Jiayuan is a tough woman who tries to escape the harsh life of poverty with a strong passion for gaining success, overcoming her lower status, and rising in society. On the road to fulfilling her dream, she cuts ties with her poor family and incompetent father who still loves his daughter despite her bitterness....
White Vengeance tells the story of two brothers contending for supremacy during the fall of the Qin Dynasty, which ruled Imperial China from 221 to 206 BC. As rebels rose, the nation fell into chaos. Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, became leaders of the rebellious army, and also became sworn brothers in battle.Xiang Yu and Liu Bang are close friends who both serve King Huai of Chu. King Huai uses a plot, saying that whoever can subvert the Qin kingdom in Guanzhong would be the Lord Qin, in order to benef...
A game that has been played for a millennium, a game that can identify truth and lies, a game that can identify loyalty and treachery and distinguish between right and wrong....