Challenge of the GoBots is an American animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera, based on the Gobots toy-line released from Tonka. The show originally debuted in animated form as a five-part miniseries, which aired in syndication from October 29 - November 2, 1984. A regular series followed the next year, premiering on September 16, 1985 as part of the new weekday/weekend morning programming block called The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera. The series was later rerun on the USA Cartoon Express...
Kissyfur is a 1980s animated children's television series which aired on NBC. It was produced by Jean Chalopin & Andy Heyward and created by Phil Mendez for DIC. The series was based on a half-hour NBC prime-time special called Kissyfur: Bear Roots and was followed by three more specials until its Saturday morning debut. The show ran for two seasons. The show follows the adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear duo who had joined the circus. One day on a circus trip, the train they...
The young blond boy with a cowlick and a mischievous personality, Dennis the Menace, gets into numerous scrapes and adventures with his dog Ruff and his friends Joey, Margaret, Gina, Tommy, PeeBee and Jay....
Wish Kid starring Macaulay Culkin is an animated television series that originally aired on Saturday mornings from September 14, 1991, through July 1992 on NBC, although a few repeats aired from 1998, through 2002 on Toon Disney after that. Produced by DIC Entertainment, the series starred pre-teen movie star Macaulay Culkin....
The animated adventures of Bastian Balthazar Bux in the enchanted storybook world of Fantasia....
When Anne Shirley arrives at the Cuthbert’s Farm on Prince Edward Island, she is a precocious, romantic child, desperate to be loved, and highly sensitive about her red hair and homely looks. Anne moves from one mishap to another as her wild imagination and far-fetched antics combine to constantly bring trouble upon her shoulders....
Scrooge McDuck finds his hands full at home when nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie move to Duckburg. Joined by their loyal pals Launchpad McQuack, Gyro Gearloose and Mrs. Beakley, the DuckTales gang never fails to deliver a wealth of adventure. Get ready for a fortune of fun with DuckTales!...
Anne Shirley, now a schoolteacher, has begun writing stories and collecting rejection slips. She acts as Diana's maid of honor, develops a relationship with Gilbert Blythe, and finds herself at Kingsport Ladies' College. But while Anne enjoys the battles and the friends she makes, she finds herself returning to Avonlea....
In the fictional small town of Avonlea, Prince Edward Island, in the early 20th century, 10-year-old Montreal heiress Sara Stanley is sent by her wealthy father to live with her two maiden aunts, Hetty and Olivia King, to be near her late mother's side of the family....
In the fictional small town of Avonlea, Prince Edward Island, in the early 20th century, 10-year-old Montreal heiress Sara Stanley is sent by her wealthy father to live with her two maiden aunts, Hetty and Olivia King, to be near her late mother's side of the family....
The story about a blue-collar Boston bar run by former sports star Sam Malone and the quirky and wonderful people who worked and drank there....
The embodiment of ultimate evil, a glowing orb terrorizes a young girl with bizarre stories of dark fantasy, eroticism and horror....
An alien policeman comes to Earth to hunt down a renegade of his own race....
At the turn of the century on Prince Edward Island, Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla decide to take on an orphan boy as help for their farm. But they get an unexpected jolt when they're mistakenly sent a girl instead: Anne Shirley....
The GoBots, television's amazing transformable super heroes, star in their first full length feature film, "GoBots: War of the Rock Lords." It's wall-to-wall action and high tech fun as the heroic Guradian GoBots join the Rock Lords' battle for control of the ultimate super weapon. And they'd better hurry, because the Guardian GoBots' all-time worst enemies, the Renegades, are out to use the super weapon for their own evil purposes....
A Jewish boy grows up in 1920s Montreal with a grandfather who tells stories and a father who won't work....
Andras Vayda grows up in a turbulent, war-torn Hungary, where he procures local girls for the occupying G.I.'s during World War II. Disappointed by girls of his age, he meets Maya, a married women in her thirties, who tutors him in the lessons of love and romance. Maya is only the first of many mature women that Andras will meet through his teenage and young adult life....
Two fact-based tales about citizens who risked everything, including their lives, to save Holocaust victims....
Anne Shirley, now a schoolteacher, has begun writing stories and collecting rejection slips. She acts as Diana's maid of honor, develops a relationship with Gilbert Blythe, and finds herself at Kingsport Ladies' College. But while Anne enjoys the battles and the friends she makes, she finds herself returning to Avonlea....
A unique anthology of six short vignettes on the subject of love, all of them written, directed and produced by women....
A gigantic serpent is captured on a remote island and shipped to an American college for experimentation....
A religious drama about Christ's parents, the events leading up to his birth, and the effect on the lives of the well-known biblical figures of the time....
One rainy day, Heathcliff babysits and recounts old stories while his nephews are reluctantly forced to listen....
Stuck in a sexless marriage, a frustrated well-to-do couple agrees to see a female sex therapist. Unfortunately, she only helps escalate the tensions between them. Meanwhile, the police are baffled by a string of brutal nightly killings....
Before they can complete renovations on their new inn, a father and daughter are visited by a woman seeking immediate lodging for her strange group of travelers....
To save her ranch after the accidental death of her husband, a woman marries the man responsible for the mishap....
In the early 1940's, Canada is a country at war and Florentine is a young woman, from a very poor family, looking for love. She meets two suitable men, a nice soldier from a good and wealthy family, and an ambitious self-centered engineer. She must decide whether she wants to follow her head or her heart......
Fact-based story about an innocent man who endured a 14 month nightmare. Arrested for armed robbery, kidnapping and rape, he is forced to endure the ruthlessness of a police and legal system that becomes convinced that they have the right man....