Klovn is a Danish sitcom, which first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It focuses on the life of the main character Frank and Casper. The show builds its comedy around quiet everyday situations, social awkwardness, uncomfortable silences and general faux pas. Klovn usually gets compared to the American sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm by Larry David. It’s also shot handheld, in a pseudo-realistic style. Some have also mistakenly compared the theme to Curb Your Enthusiasm’s, despite it being ...
Langt fra Las Vegas is a Danish sit-com, which was first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It revolved around life at a newly started TV morning show, Jump Start, and focused on the life of the main character, Casper. Langt fra Las Vegas consisted of 53 episodes, aired over 5 seasons with each episode lasting 25 minutes. It ran from 2001-2003....
TAXA is a Danish television drama made by Danmarks Radio with 56 episodes, written by Stig Thorsboe and produced by Rumble Hammerich. The series revolves around a small taxi central, CrownTaxi, in Copenhagen. The series was a success from the start, 14 September 1997 on DR1. The series was broadcast during the period 1997-1999 for a total of five series. CrownTaxi has its ups and downs and in the course of the series, following the various drivers, radio opertor Lizzie and boss Verner Boye-Larse...
At a social gathering, a man gets up and gives a speech about a small people by the sea to the north. A place with sand dunes, a raging sea and real wind. It is a place where people stay, but where the sand is constantly shifting, so that an entire lighthouse has to be lifted and moved 70 metres inland to stop it from falling into the sea. A place where the biggest hero is a bricklayer. It’s warm up there, things are kept within budget and you don’t need to sign a contract to have a deal. The ma...
In a small Danish town, we meet two generations of women. 61-year-old Solvej and the 17-year-old Kate. Their meeting kickstarts an unlikely friendship, as the wounds of the past are revealed and the seeds of hope are sown....
Rosa is a lonely 13 year old wearing a leg prosthesis. She lives with her single father in a small town....
Two Danish youngsters see action in the USSR as volunteers in a special legion under German command in 1944-45. Returned to a camp in their native country, they go AWOL, having first killed a couple of officers. They are now being chased through a wintry Denmark by the German Army, Danish Quislings and the Danish freedom fighters. Love crosses their path when they take a Jewish girl as hostage....