Heroes of Cosplay is a tantalizing docu-series that lifts the veil on the imaginative world of cosplay competition, because fans at the comic book conventions don’t merely dress up as their favorite character; they also compete to see who’s the best! The series follows cosplayers of all levels, from legend Yaya Han, to rising stars and newbies, as they make a splash at comic book conventions around the country. The series will dive deep into their lives, following their process as they create ex...
Fantasy and reality collide when a surprisingly diverse group of online video-game addicts struggle to balance the game with personal relationships....
Gamer Age is the most comprehensive study to date on the world of video games. Exploring the evolution of gaming, as well as the immeasurable impact it's had on mainstream popular culture. It surveys the history of video games from arcades to mobile phones, examining the legacy and future of the medium. We shot hundreds of hours of footage chronicling everything from massive fighting game tournaments in Las Vegas, to Wii sporting events held at the local retirement home. An extreme love for vide...