

TV Series



Alex Agnew

Birthday: Born in 1972-12-22 in Antwerpen, Flanders, Belgium

Deathday: Alive

TV Credits

Later Als Ik Groot Ben

Character: Self

Eric Goens returns with well-known Flemish people such as Bart Peeters, Alexander De Croo, Nora Gharib, Alex Agnew, Andy Peelman and Julie Van den Steen to the school of their childhood. From the school desks of their youth he goes in search of their life story. What big and small stories from their school days have stuck? Which classmate secretly started walking with their attention? And have they become who they hoped to become?...

Alex Agnew's Fear Factor

Character: Self - Host


De Slimste Mens: The Morning After

Character: Self

Where there is a winner every evening, the curtain also falls for a less fortunate participant. That is why Pieterjan Marchand will welcome the unlucky guy with open arms every morning after the fact from October 17....

De Slimste Mens ter Wereld

Character: Self - Participant


Alleen Elvis blijft bestaan

Character: Self


Is er een dokter in de zaal?



Sarah in Wokeland

Character: Self


James De Musical



Voordat De Bom Valt...

Character: Panel


De dag van vandaag

Character: Self


Scheire en de Schepping

Character: Self

Lieven Scheire wanders like a forensic blood hound on planet science and all her secondary planets. Faithfully assisted by Googleman and his one-man house orchestra Stijn Cole....

Kamp Jeroom

Character: Self - Participant


De Ideale Wereld

Character: Self - Guest


Wat als?

Character: Various characters

A sketch show with each sketch beginning with the question “what if.” A roller coaster of sketches that immerses you in life as it almost could be....

Advocaat van de Duivel



De Slimste Mens ter Wereld

Character: Self - Jury


De grote boodschap

Character: Self


Movie Credits

Alex Agnew: Morimos Solamente

Character: Himself

In dit tweede solo-programma komt hij nóg harder, nóg scherper en nóg pikanter uit de hoek. Gevoelige toeschouwers weze bij deze gewaarschuwd: geen huisje - heilig of niet -blijft overeind, geen thema onbenut. "Morimos Solamente" bevat geen theatrale structuur (heeft dat ook niet nodig), maar kan je best omschrijven als anderhalf uur fantastisch verbaal geweld. "The World According To Alex Agnew" dus…...

Alex Agnew: Ka-Boom!

Character: Himself

Back in 2003, Alex Agnew was the first Belgian to win the prestigious 'Leids Cabaret Festival' in The Netherlands. He was the winner in both categories: Jury and public. Alex is a mixture of an English father, Belgian mother, an overdoses (action) movies, superheroes, comic books and a lot of music. No quiet, sophisticated humour, but proud to be loud! Rock'n'Roll comedy!...

Alex Agnew: More Human Than Human

Character: Himself

Na de dvd's 'Kaboom!' en de snoeiharde bevestiging met 'Morimos Solamente' is Alex Agnew toe aan zijn derde stand-up-comedy-theaterregistratie DVD: 'More Human Than Human'.Agnew is uniek. Grover, gewaagder en vooral grappiger dan ooit. Geen enkel onderwerp is veilig. Lichtgeraakte mensen wezen gewaarschuwd: Alex Agnew balanceert altijd op het randje. Wie de Alex Agnew verwacht die geluidjes maakt, zal verrast zijn. Agnew speelt meer in op het publiek, brengt vaak meer doordachte humor en beperkt...

Alex Agnew: Larger than Life

Character: Himself

Alex Agnew's 10 year anniversary as a stage performer....

Alex Agnew: Interesting Times

Character: Himself


Alex Agnew: The Legend Ends

Character: Himself


Alex Agnew: Unfinished Business

Character: Himself

Alex Agnew talks about recent things bothering him and once again gives humor a whole new meaning by crossing the line as much as possible....

Gert Late Night - De Movie



Alex Agnew: Be Careful What You Wish For


The gender debate, feminism, #metoo, nose picking, Tarzan, Quidditch… Curious what Alex Agnew has to say about these and many other topics? Be careful what you wish for!...

Viva De Romeo's



Alex Agnew: Wake Me Up When It's Over


For two years, Alex Agnew was forced to stay locked in his house and even more so in his own head. The virus that kept us all in lockdown has clearly left its mark. In his most recent show 'Wake Me Up When It's Over' he rails against everything and everyone, from share-steppers to the avocado-eating elite and rutting miniature poodles....


Character: Boxing Announcer (voice)

Noah loves his girlfriend Lea and their daughter Zita dearly, just about as much as his extremely pimped car with vanity plate “H4Z4RD”. When his cousin offers him a seemingly simple job as a driver, it soon turns into an unlikely and nerve-racking race through Antwerp, which can only result in the end of Noah, his family or the car…...

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