Robins is a Swedish late-night talk show which premiered on SVT2 on August 23, 2006. The host is the young stand-up comedian Robin Paulsson from Malmö. The show's format is similar to that of other late-night shows, Robin makes jokes about recent news, shows sketches, and talks to a guest in the studio. One of the most popular sketches in the show features Robin appearing as Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimović....
Brille is a humor-based quiz show where some of Norways best known comedians get to work on seemingly impossible tasks and questions. The answers are often as unexpected and funny as the panel's train of thought....
Investigative musical series with each episode being a standalone that deals with one real life object or event....
The taskmaster has invited five of Norway's best comedians to solve a number of tasks....
YLVIS III is the show famous Norwegian comedians Vegard og Bård dreamed of making. They made a show they them self wanted to see. A performance where they balance on the border of the challenging and the surreal in musical comedy....