La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
For this second film in the cult comedy series Torrente takes our fat police officer from Madrid to Marbella in Spain to investigate a villain’s plot to destroy the city with a missile. This James Bond style slapstick comedy became the most successful box-office film in Spanish film history beating out only the first Torrente film....
In medical school of an elite university, campus starts sown with corpses. The police have no clue who is responsible for the carnage. Nobody suspected Barbara, a beautiful young innocent looking whose only concern seems to be the fashion. However, under the facade of frivolity, hides the most lethal and unforgiving of the killer: Barbykiller…...
Ray, a man without family addicted to the game, dedicated to steal cars and for love will end up in jail....
A man is diagnosed terminally ill and having only a limited time to live he decides to inflict pain and suffering on an ex-girlfriend in an attempt to teach her the value of life....
Ramiro Forteza is a Premier League goalkeeper whom the Civil War and the rigors of the war led to make a living visiting villages and challenging locals to mark him penalty goals. One evening he arrives to a town in Asturias and meets Manuela, a young widow with a son, who survives sewing for Ursula, Andrade's wife, the Civil Guard sergeant....
Madrid, 1953. Gilda is a young orphan who difficultly survives in a ruined, post-civil war Spain. Opportunistic, ambitious and ruthless, she dreams of becoming a radio speaker and wants to get an official union card, a requisite for the job. She doesn't hesitate in joining an ultra-catholic fraternity and to become a police informant. But the suicide in prison of her aunt, a militant Republican, threatens to ruin her plans. She has only one solution left : to use her charms....
The tragic fate of Juana I of Castille, Queen of Spain, madly in love to an unfaithful husband, Felipe el Hermoso, Archduke of Austria....
A radio-show assistant meets a budding screenwriter during a group-therapy session for sex addicts....
In an unforgiving society, five characters fall into a deep existential crisis that leads them to take desperate measures. Manu Ochoa reflects on his second film on uncertainty and irreversibility of depression, as well as human behavior to sudden changes....
Salvador, a real estate speculator and low-level drug dealer, leads a group of gangsters using a Chinese restaurant as a cover. The truculent past of one of the members of this small-time gang will endanger his business and their own lives....