Burning Love is a scripted comedy series which is a web spoof of the television shows The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and Bachelor Pad. Depending on the season, the show either follows a man or a woman who is looking for the perfect mate from a pool of contestants, or has contestants living together in a mansion competing for a cash prize. Ben Stiller is executive co-producer. Season 1 showcases fireman Mark Orlando as the bachelor. Season 2 of the series, which premiered in February 2013, stars...
Follows two delusional brothers, who are self-proclaimed filmmakers, as they are kicked out of their parent's house and end up on an epic cinematic journey....
A timid magazine photo manager who lives life vicariously through daydreams embarks on a true-life adventure when a negative goes missing....
3 Days of Normal follows the story of straight-laced deputy Bill Morgan who is quite content literally living within the quaint boundaries of Washington, New Hampshire. Bill’s stable and rather uneventful life is thrown for a loop when he finds and arrests a woman, Nikki Gold, passed out in her car from inebriation. Unbeknownst to him, the woman happens to be a popular movie actress longing for some normalcy in her hectic life....
Longtime single friends Ben and Alice agree to be each other's respective plus one at every wedding they're invited to during a busy summer of wedding fever....
An allergy-ridden, eavesdropping sound engineer and his boisterous new roommate are thrust into a missing girl case when he discovers clues to her disappearance in his neighborhood recordings....
An action-packed romance Americana western epic adventure about an egg's epic Hollywood journey from farm to table....
Inspired by real events, this ribald comedy pits an unlikely gang of students against their principal after she bars safe-sex activities on campus. Protesting Principal Weller's muzzling of free speech, the teens stage a bold and hilarious rebellion....