The Fantastic Journey was an American science fiction television series that was originally aired on NBC from February 3 through June 17, 1977....
Police Story is an anthology television crime drama. The show was the brainchild of author and former policeman Joseph Wambaugh and represented a major step forward in the realistic depiction of police work and violence on network TV. Although it was an anthology, there were certain things that all episodes had in common; for instance, the main character in each episode was a police officer. The setting was always Los Angeles and the characters always worked for some branch of the LAPD. Notwith...
In a cheap motel near Peckham California, a maid discovers a man's corpse in one of the rooms. The dead man, Professor Grabowski, is associated with the Brandt Research center, and an autopsy reveals he died of a massive coronary during sexual intercourse. Another similar death is discovered almost immediately, this time a younger man. This causes the federal government to send in Agent Neil Agar (William Smith) to get to the bottom of things. The socially distant Dr. Susan Harris (Anitra Ford)...
A cop goes after a psycho who is killing cocktail waitresses....
A man named Clint enters a solar-powered van called Vandora into a competition called Freakout....
A police officer has very little work as there is virtually no crime in his small California town...until three hoodlums appear and rape a young woman....
Two men and a woman, all friends and martial arts experts, visit Hong Kong, where they grew up. When the woman disappears, the men find out that she has been kidnapped by white slavers, and find themselves battling a gang of kung-fu killers in an attempt to rescue their friend....
1 hour 55 minute edited "movie" version comprised of primarily episodes 1 and 2 of TV series of same name available on Tubi. Travelers are stranded in the Bermuda Triangle. On an island, they meet Varian, a man from the future, and Liana, an Atlantean. Together, they journey through different worlds, in hopes of returning home....