Rosa salvaje is a Mexican telenovela that was broadcast in 1987. It starred the popular Mexican actress Verónica Castro, who played the main character, "Rosa", co-starring with Guillermo Capetillo as her love interest and Laura Zapata as the villain of the story. This telenovela was a huge success in Mexico, Latin America, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Estonia, China the United States, Indonesia and provided the template for numerous other Latin American soap operas...
The story tells the story of Diana (Maria Sortè), a highly successful fashion designer married to an unreliable and lying man, Giacomo, and of Gianluca (Enrique Novi), a widower with a 10-year-old girl, Arianna. Diana, after discovering that Giacomo has another wife and two children, Davide and Chicco, abandons him, and leaves for a cruise with her friend Gloria. On the ship he meets Gianluca in the company of Viviana, who is actually staying with him for money. The meeting between Gianluca and ...
A woman survived the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, but she still lives with fear about a new earthquake....