Conan: The Adventurer is an American television series created, developed, financed, distributed and produced by Max A. Keller and Micheline Keller from 1997 to 1998 and loosely based on the fantasy hero Conan the Barbarian. The TV show premiered on September 22, 1997, and ran for 22 episodes. The series has been broadcast in over 150 countries throughout the world. Keller Entertainment Group continues to market and distribute the series worldwide and the series has longevity among international...
La tempestad is a Mexican telenovela produced by Salvador Mejía Alejandre for Televisa. It is loosely based on the Colombian telenovela La Tormenta, produced by RTI Colombia for Telemundo and Caracol TV. William Levy and Ximena Navarrete star as the protagonists, while Iván Sanchez, Laura Carmine, Mariana Seoane, Cesar Evora, and Manuel Ojeda star as the antagonists. Daniela Romo is also confirmed to star. Previously, Jessica Coch and Adriana Louvier were originally confirmed to star as the ant...
La Mujer Del Vendaval is a 2012 Mexican telenovela produced by Mapat L. de Zatarain for Televisa. It is a remake of the Venezuelan telenovela Un Esposo para Estela. Ariadne Díaz and José Ron star as the main protagonists, while Chantal Andere, Marco Muñoz, Manuel Flaco Ibañez and Florencia del Saracho as the main antagonists....
See the rise of the Guadalajara Cartel as an American DEA agent learns the danger of targeting narcos in 1980s Mexico....
Based on the book of the same name by bestselling author Roberto Saviano, ZeroZeroZero is an unforgettable exploration of the inner workings of the global cocaine trade....
Agent Jesus Juarez (aka Chucho) has always played the Devil in his town's Nativity Play. This Christmas, when the new pastor of the church recasts the role, the two men engage in a battle between good and evil....
A professional soccer player from the Tuzos of Pachuca befriends a disabled man while his team prepares to play the FIFA Club World Cup....
As part of the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, Rodrigo, a Spanish shipwreck falls in love with Tizcuitl, the young and beautiful Aztec daughter of Nezuhual, king of Tlacopan, powerful under the emperor Moctezuma....
Firefighter Gordon Brewer is plunged into the complex and dangerous world of international terrorism after he loses his wife and child in a bombing credited to Claudio 'The Wolf' Perrini....
Gloria finds a power she never knew she had when she is drawn into a dangerous world of cross-border crime. Surviving will require all of her cunning, inventiveness, and strength....