In a BattleBots event the competitors are remote-controlled armed and armored machines, designed to fight in an arena combat elimination tournament. If both combat robots are still operational at the end of the match the winner is determined by a point system based on damage, aggression, and strategy. The television show BattleBots aired on the American cable network Comedy Central for five seasons, covering five BattleBots tournaments. The first season aired starting in August 2000, and the fi...
Follow the adventures and misadventures of Penny, a 14-year-old African American girl who's doing her best to navigate through the early years of teen-dom. Penny's every encounter inevitably spirals into bigger than life situations filled with hi-jinks, hilarity and heart. Her quest to balance her home, school and social lives are further complicated by friends like the sassy Dijonay, Penny's nemesis LaCienega Boulevardez, her loving, if not over-protective parents and her hip-to-the-groove-gran...
The Surreal Life is a reality television series that sets a select group of past-their-prime celebrities and records them as they live together in Glen Campbell's former mansion in the Hollywood Hills for two weeks. The format of the show resembles that of The Real World and Road Rules, in that the cameras not only record the castmates' participation in group activities assigned to them, but also their interpersonal relationships and conflicts. The series is also likened to The Challenge in that...
The family life, romantic life, and career of Martin Tupper, a divorced New York City book editor. The show distinctively interjected clips from older black and white television series to punctuate Tupper's feelings or thoughts....
Rock Me Baby is an American television series set in Denver, Colorado. It is a comedy / drama that debuted on September 15, 2003 on UPN. Rock Me Baby stars actor and comedian Dan Cortese as Jimmy Cox, co-host of a popular Denver radio show with his best friend, Carl, played by Carl Anthony Payne II. Bianca Kajlich plays Beth Cox, Jimmy's wife, and the two have a baby named Otis. Tammy Townsend plays Beth's best friend, Pamela, who is obsessed with the glamorous life....
Texas native Jamie King is an aspiring actor who heads to Hollywood in hopes to find fame and fortune in the entertainment industry. To support himself, he works at his Aunt Helen and Uncle Junior's Los Angeles hotel, the King's Towers....
The series revolves around the friendship of four African-American women in different phases of their lives. They explore the many trials and tribulations that most women face today such as relationships, family, friends and other current issues that will interest most women. Whether it’s getting over a divorce, finding a career, or looking for true love, Girlfriends delivers along with comedy and wit....
Tammi Tyler is an ex-child actress who, at 12, murdered her adult co-star after eating a PCP laced cupcake. Now, as an adult, Tammi works as a waitress at the Funky Fox, a bar located in the Plaza del Toro. In the first episode, Tammi marries the owner of Starbrite Cleaners, Harvey Krudup, who she thought was worth millions, but realized that Starbrite's lone location was at the Plaza. For the rest of the show's run, Tammi tries to end her marriage....
The Parkers is an American sitcom that aired on UPN from August 30, 1999, to May 10, 2004. A spin-off of UPN's Moesha, The Parkers features the mother-daughter team of Nikki and Kim Parker. The Parkers' signature "Heeyyy" greeting became very popular in the early 2000s....
Celebrity Paranormal Project is a paranormal reality television series that originally aired from October 22, 2006 to November 1, 2007 on VH1. The show is currently on hiatus, so it is unknown if VH1 will re-air the show and begin with a second season. Except for a different title and usage of celebrities, the VH1 show is identical to MTV's Fear. The show since been released and available on iTunes and Xbox Live. All eight episodes are also available for free streaming on Hulu....
The Surreal Life: Fame Games is a reality television series that was originally broadcast on the VH1 cable network. A spin-off of the VH1 show, The Surreal Life, the show assembles ten alumni of the show's 6 prior seasons to compete in a ten-week competition that takes place in Las Vegas, with the winner taking home a prize of $100,000 provided by the online gaming site Golden Robin Leach is the host. The contestants also compete in a game show format elimination round in each episod...
Join the Baywatch lifeguards on their thrilling adventures filled with beautiful beaches and those iconic red swimsuits....
This partially unscripted comedy brings viewers into the squad car as incompetent officers swing into action, answering 911 calls about everything from speeding violations and prostitution to staking out a drug den. Within each episode, viewers catch a "fly on the wall" glimpse of the cops' often politically incorrect opinions, ranging from their personal feelings to professional critiques of their colleagues....
Aspiring restaurateurs brave Ramsay and his fiery command of the kitchen as he puts the competitors through an intense culinary academy to prove they possess the right combination of ingredients to win a life-changing grand prize....
On September 14, 1998, a Hollywood Squares revival debuted with Tom Bergeron as its host. In addition to her production duties, Whoopi Goldberg served as the permanent center square, with series head writer Bruce Vilanch, Gilbert Gottfried, Martin Mull, and Caroline Rhea as regular panelists and Brad Garrett, Bobcat Goldthwait, Jeffrey Tambor, George Wallace, Kathy Griffin and various others as semi-regular panelists. Shadoe Stevens returned to announce, although he was not given a square on the...
Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous....
Will, a street-smart teenager, moves from the tough streets of West Philly to posh Bel-Air to live with his Uncle Philip, Aunt Vivian, his cousins — spoiled Hilary, preppy Carlton and young Ashley — and their sophisticated British butler, Geoffrey. Though Will’s antics and upbringing contrast greatly with the upper-class lifestyle of his extended relatives, he soon finds himself right at home as a loved part of the family....
A nostalgic throwback to the original series where TV celebrities blended athleticism with hilarious antics. The 10-episode summer event pits teams of current and classic TV stars from multiple eras and different genres against one another in a variety of athletic games....
Celebrity Big Brother is a British reality television game show in which a number of celebrity contestants live in an isolated house trying to avoid being evicted by the public with the aim of winning a large cash prize being donated to the winner's nominated charity at the end of the run....
Documentary series about black people and their culture. Season 1 was strictly a talk-show hosted by Vincent Byakika and John Zulu. In season 2 the two hosts travel through the US, looking up actors from the blaxploitation era, and various other semi-famous black people....
Ex-soldier Frank Brayker is the guardian of an ancient key that can unlock tremendous evil; the sinister Collector is a demon who wants the key so he can initiate the apocalypse. On the run from wicked mercenaries for almost 90 years, Brayker finally stops in at a boarding house in New Mexico where — with the help of its residents — he plans to face off against the Collector and his band of ghouls, preventing them from ever seizing the key....
'Foolish' Waise is a talented comedian with a hard-edge trying to make it in the comedy clubs in LA while his brother is a hard-nosed gangster trying to make it on the streets. With all the competition they face in their chosen "professions," their biggest battle is with each other over the love of a pretty girl....
A successful real estate mogul tries to rekindle a dysfunctional relationship with his womanizing father during a business trip to Hedonism II in Jamaica. They encounter an eclectic group of unpredictable characters who all must avoid two kinky film students doing a thesis on sex at Hedonism....
J.W. Garrison, the head of a top-secret sub agency of the United Nations, discovers that a team of terrorists, led by the murderous Oliver Maxwell, plan on producing a bomb carrying an anthrax virus to be used in the United States. Garrison summons CIA agent Zack Hamilton who puts together a team of three beautiful women; CIA trainer Kim Taylor; photographer Victoria Carrera; and actress Eva Kirov to go to undercover as fashion models to infiltrate the terrorist organization to find the bomb bef...
CHASING BEAUTY provides a rare glimpse into the intriguing and complex world of modeling. Behind the glossy covers of Vogue and Glamour lie the rarely talked about, uncensored stories of what models endure and sacrifice to become a top model. CHASING BEAUTY examines body image and the psychological effects of the beauty business on young women and men....
Video footage of some of the beauties that have graced Playboy and appeared in Baywatch....
After three women get killed, a policewoman gets involved in the underworld of drugs and pornographic movies, when she starts investigating the case....
Sean McMurphy, a wealthy entrepreneur, meets a very beautiful woman and a passionate love affair ignites but soon it unfolds into a dark suspense/thriller where everyone around him gets seduced into her dark web of lies, torture and deceit....
The wettest and wildest behind-the-scenes look at the hottest and best-known bodies in the world. If you're one of the millions of viewers who love to see these bodies in skin-tight swimsuits, just wait until you see them with their suits off....
Link is torn between the two loves of his life: surfing, and his girlfriend Sunny. He's also got to deal with an angry landlady who's threatening to evict him if he doesn't start paying his rent. When three rich but clueless newcomers move into town and immediately start striking out with the dozens of bikini-clad beauties on the local beach, Link sees a possible solution to his cash problems: offer the trio lessons in how to become pick-up artists....
Three friends in need of an escape from reality take a hilarious road trip to Malibu for a wild beach party....
"Lord of the Freaks" chronicles the bizarre enterprises of new media mogul Alki David, aka 'The Eccentric Billionaire,' a man whose extreme wealth and unusual sensibilities have resulted in an array of confounding escapades....