Kath & Kim is a character-driven Australian television situation comedy series. The series was created by, and is written by Jane Turner and Gina Riley who play the title characters: a suburban mother and daughter with a dysfunctional relationship. The series main characters consist of Kath Day-Knight, a cheerful 50-year-old woman, her self-indulgent daughter Kim Craig, Kath's boyfriend and second husband, the metrosexual Kel Knight, as well as Kim's estranged husband Brett Craig and her lonely,...
Toby Johnson is a regular easy-going student struggling with homework and girls. Elizabeth Hawke is the teacher's pet and nobody at school likes her. One day they get hit by a ray - a unique magnetic pulse that changes every thing. Suddenly they are both scientific geniuses! Elizabeth revels in her new found power and want to dominate the school. She decides she must eliminate Toby....
During a violent thunderstorm, a family is awoken by piercing shrieks which summon the dead to rise again. Their lives explode in a blood soaked fury as they battle malevolent spirits, whilst fighting to save their souls from eternal torment with... the Banshee....
Two teenage geniuses battle it out for school domination in this feature length version of the hugely successful, award-winning teen action series....