Super Doll★Licca-chan (スーパードール★リカちゃん Sūpā Dōru Rika-chan?) is TV anime series which ran on TV Tokyo from 1998–1999. Kodansha also serialized a manga based on the anime series in its monthly manga magazine Nakayoshi. The story follows an ordinary elementary school girl named Licca Kayama and the strange circumstances surrounding her origins, as well as the origins of her protector, Doll Licca. The series is an original story spin-off inspired by the long-selling and popular Takara doll lineup "L...
Yukiko Makabe works at the #3 Special Investigation Team of the Metropolitan Police Department. She has excellent negotiation skills. Yukiko then attempts to negotiate with a hijacker on a bus, but something unexpected happens and her mission fails. Yukiko takes full responsibility and takes a transfer to a special interrogation team "Kintori". Her boss is Katsutoshi Kajiyama and Yukiko has had a difficult working relationship with him in the past. Her other coworkers include Susumu Hishimoto, Z...
Twins Kazuya and Tatsuya, and their neighbor Minami have played together since they were children and built an unbreakable bond. But with puberty, the twins realized something: Minami is a girl, and three is a crowd. As the trio tries to preserve their relationship, Kazuya's pledge to make Minami's dream come true by taking her to Koshien with his baseball pitching skills makes the slackerish Tatsuya wonder about himself, and his own goals. But Minami has another dream she wants fulfilled, and ...
Bringing in prominent figures from various fields such as drama, music, variety, classical performing arts, culture, and academia, who are active at the forefront of their respective domains, for an exceptional talk show with the veterans of the entertainment world....
Daimon Michiko is a 37-year-old freelance surgeon who is part of a questionable “doctor placement service” that has her wander from hospital to hospital. The harsh environment at the hospitals led many doctors to retire from their positions, forcing hospitals to make use of said program to fill the empty spots at least temporary. However, Michiko doesn’t look like a doctor at all with her flashy clothes and eccentric attitude. In the first episode she raises objections to a certain operation whi...
Ando Natsu is a heartwarming story rich in Japanese aesthetics and culture set in historic Asakusa, Tokyo. Follow Natsu as she strives to achieve her dreams and discovers the wealth of warmth and tradition in the community she finds herself welcomed into....
Set towards the end of World War II, Kaede Itakura, who leads kindergartners, and Mitsue Nonomiya, who enjoys music, persuades the parents at the school to take their children out of Tokyo. They seek shelter at an abandoned temple in Saitama while Tokyo is bombed....
The fairy tale follows a young man named Gusukō in the Tōhoku forests of northeastern Japan in the 1920s. After an onslaught of droughts and natural disasters, Gusukō is forced to leave his home and search for a better life elsewhere. Gusukō joins a group of scientists at the Ihatov Volcano Department, which deals with the same natural disasters that drove Gusukō from his home....
A doctor conducts experiments on patients which end up in anguish!...
Officer Ryotsu is ordered to team up with FBI agent Lisa Hoshino to find a terrorist who is currently in Tokyo. For an unknown reason, only buildings from the Shinatora corporation seem to be targeted by the mysterious Benten....
A goat named Mei and a wolf named Gabu pledge to be secret friends after meeting on a stormy night, despite the fact that they are supposed to be natural enemies. The two must overcome hardships as they journey far in hopes to find an "Emerald Forest", free from persecution of their kind....
An elderly couple journey to Tokyo to visit their grown children, only to find them preoccupied and self-involved....
Following the death of the unmarried and childless Taki, Takeshi, a young relative of hers, discovers several pages of closely written lines in which the old lady has recorded her memories. This is how he learns the truth about her youth working as a housemaid and nanny for the Hirai family in a little house in Tokyo with a red gabled roof....
Tatsuya Uesugi is the twin brother of Kazuya, pitcher of the Meisei High School baseball team. Irresolute about his feelings towards baseball, his next door neighbor, and his brother; Tatsuya ends up joining his school's boxing club. From the sidelines, he quietly watches the ascension of Kazuya....
Due to sickness, the coach position of the Meisei High School baseball team is handed to Eijiro Kashiwaba. He is a ruthless man who forces the team to enter a Spartan training procedure. Tatsuya and Minami slowly discover stories about his past and wonder what his true intentions are....
This fourth movie takes place a couple of years after the series. Minami and Tatsuya are both in college now. Different colleges, I might add. Tatsuya has quit playing baseball. Nitta is still pursuing Minami. And Tatsuya has a mysterious girl named Kaori at his college that seems to like him. So, how will all this affect the relationship between Minami and Tatsuya?...
A middle-aged salaryman tries to revitalize his career....
Trying to find his own game of baseball, and not that of his brothers, Tatsuya moves to America and pitches for a poor, struggling minor league baseball team called the Emeralds. Meanwhile, Minami is still in Japan, trying to find her own path after quitting gymnastics. Inspired by a photograph of her final performance, she becomes the photographers assistant....
Tatsuya and Minami meet Akio Nitta, an ace batter who thought of Kazuya as his rival. Nitta sees great potential in Tatsuya and expects to face him on the road to the national high school baseball tournament....
Several years after Shuzo settled his wife’s birthday-surprise divorce proposal (What a Wonderful Family, 40th), the Hirata family faces new problems. Ignoring his family’s worry that he is too old to drive, Shuzo takes his old schoolmate for a spin after carousing. Soon, a new disturbance arises for the Hirata family. Veteran director Yamada Yoji continues his comedy about the “perfect“ Japanese family turned upside down in chaos, laughters and understanding. This time, with an additional taste...
Third installment of the "Gakko No Kaidan" series follows the trek of several elementary school students as they wander into an alternate world that exists on the opposite side of a school mirror. Nishida Naomi (the hapless teacher in "Gakko No Kaidan 2") returns as the teacher who accompanies the children on their journey into the surreal universe....
The Raccoons of the Tama Hills are being forced from their homes by the rapid development of houses and shopping malls. As it becomes harder to find food and shelter, they decide to band together and fight back. The Raccoons practice and perfect the ancient art of transformation until they are even able to appear as humans in hilarious circumstances....
At the Hirata home, three generations of their family live together. A crisis ensues when one afternoon, housewife Fumie falls asleep and wakes up to find a thief has stolen her secret money she kept hidden in the refrigerator....
A husband and wife have been married for 50 years. For her birthday, the husband asks the wife what she wants for her birthday present. She replies that she wants a divorce. The wife's divorce announcement sends the entire family into chaos....
After serving time for bank fraud, Kiriko now lives a quiet life as a taxi driver working night shifts... but her peace is shattered by a relentless stalker in a Land Cruiser....
Mike is a penguin soldier who returns home after being injured during combat. Estranged from his family and friends, he leaves his hometown and starts to roam adrift through the country....
The story is about a 5-year-old girl who lived in just after World War II when people were struggle for survival....
An old house stands amongst newly built buildings, as if it has been left behind. Tamako, a popular fortune teller, has been living there alone with her son, Tadao, for years. Because he has intellectual disability and autism, their neighbors often complain about his unpredictable behaviors. One day, Tamako is informed that a room is available in a group home owned by a company that runs the community workshop Tadao works at. Residents there all have intellectual disability but are living togeth...
A short tokusatsu movie where pro wrestler Cutie Suzuki plays a bounty hunter named Y and has to fight a monster. It's part of a series of sci-fi monster hunter movies starring female pro wrestlers. The other two are Monster Commando H and Monster Commando M....
A short tokusatsu movie where real life pro wrestler Hikari Fukuoka plays a bounty hunter that has to fight a monster. It's part of a series of sci-fi monster hunter movies starring female pro wrestlers. The other two are Monster Commando M and Monster Commando Y....
A short tokusatsu movie where real life pro wrestler Mayumi Ozaki plays a bounty hunter and has to fight a monster. It's part of a series of sci-fi monster hunter movies starring female pro wrestlers. The other two are Monster Commando H and Monster Commando Y....