Dulce Amargo is a Venezuelan telenovela produced and aired on Televen in co-production with Mexican channel Cadena Tres and distributed internationally by Telemundo. It is a remake of the Chilean telenovela Los treinta which is adapted by Venezuelan writer Iris Dubs. Official production of Dulce Amargo began on June 11, 2012, and premiered on October 31, 2012 in the prime-time hours. Scarlet Ortiz and Erik Hayser star as the main protagonists with Fernando Noriega and Juliet Lima as the main an...
The main theme of the series tells the story about private lives of a group of women who are frequent clients of “Angelica Style”, a prestigious beauty clinic. This group of women, Angelica, Nora, Mercedes, Samantha, Loreto, Vanesa, Lilí, Gabriela, Fernanda and Cecilia, have one thing in common: they have all failed to find the men of their dreams. As the stories blend, their different personalities are shown and their deepest wishes are revealed. They want to find a man who can understand them ...
Follow one man's epic journey as he transforms from wily underage drug smuggler to one of the world's most infamous cartel leaders....
Set in the 1990s, these are the life and times of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a man who became the head of the Juárez cartel. Nicknamed “El Señor de los Cielos” (Lord of the Skies) because of the large fleet of airplanes he used to transport drugs, he was also known for washing more than $200 million through Colombia to finance his huge fleet. He is described as the most powerful drug trafficker of his time....
Fifty TV stars are single handedly picked by a mysterious, masked Lion to participate in a competition like no other. Living together in an exotic country mansion and competing against each other in a relentless and unpredictable game, the stars must face challenges posed by the game master while making alliances and developing strategies to avoid elimination....
When friendship is worth more than any love. It’s the story of the inseparable young friends: Alejandra, Daniel and Omar, who live together, sharing a downtown apartment in a northern Mexican city. Due to family pressure, Alejandra is forced to give temporary shelter to a very attractive young couple they haven’t met before; Rufino and Paz. Du to an alleged family argument, the couple is on the run and need someplace to hide. At the beginning the couple appears to be very conservative regarding ...
A drama centered on a man dealing with the aftereffects of being in a coma caused by a car accident....
While searching for human connection in the heart of an eclectic urban area, four disparate characters navigate the razor's edge of life. As their paths cross, they must decide whether to embrace their reality or cast their lives away....