Casseta & Planeta is a Brazilian group of comedians who run a TV show named Casseta & Planeta Urgente, broadcast by Rede Globo. The humour featured on the show is mostly satirical, relating to religious or ethical groups, and minorities. The group founded a company called Toviassu Produções Artísticas, whose name is an acronym composed of syllables from the phrase "Todo viado é surdo" – "Every gay is deaf"; which is the ending of a widely known Brazilian practical joke. Each one of the seven me...
A satire about the dictatorship period in Brazil, in which communist militants try to steal the soccer World Cup Trophy from the players Pelé and Carlos Alberto Torres....
A portrays of the period in which Brazilian humor had fewer limits (1986-2003), free from military dictatorship....
Dr. Botelho Pinto is an idealistic lawyer with a fixed idea: to put an end to Tabajara Organizations once and for all. Before the judge of the First Family Court: First the Mother, Then the Daughter, Botelho accuses the business empire of testing on its favela client Lindauro das Dores a medicine with an unexpected side effect: it awakens in dogs in heat an uncontrollable sexual appetite for the patient....