A 90's iconic slice of life genre drama directed by the famous Novelist of Bangladesh, Humayun Ahmed, based on his own novel, Nokkhotrer Raat (Starry Night), centered around the ups and downs of a middle class family of six, casting Abul Hayat, Asaduzzaman Nur, Sarah Zaker, Shomi Kayser and many popular faces from the 90's. The story starts by showing a typical day of a middle class family and it unfolds by revealing different chapters that a family goes through, from day to day life, thereby un...
Aaj Robibar {Today is Sunday} is a Bengali comedy sitcom by Humayun Ahmed. The sitcom revolves around the day to day life of an eccentric household consisting of a grandfather, his three socially in-adept sons, two granddaughters, a boarder, the male-servant and the maid. From the eldest brother who remains a bachelor and plays chess with himself, to the servant who tries to peek in through a key-hole and gets squirted with ink on a daily basis, this show is thoroughly entertaining....
In this tragic-comic study of religious hypocrisy, a disreputable cleric convinces villagers that their community is home to a famous holyman's grave....
A story of hope, despair and the burden of human life during the war in Bangladesh....
During the 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh, in a remote village, a landlord collaborated with the Pakistani army. After the death of his brother, he married his sister-in-law who had a young son. A teacher in the village, with a widowed daughter, taught the young man had a daughter. When the war broke out, the young man joined the Bengali guerrillas, shattering his innocence. In the village, the landlord's action get worse and worse, until he kills the teacher and compels the daughter to marry...
During Bangladesh's Liberation War against Pakistan in 1971, in a remote village Rabeya and Rokeya, two orphaned young sisters, live in the religiously conservative household of their uncle Emdad Kazi, a rich kulak and a local Muslim League leader....