Destino: São Paulo is an original television miniseries created for the Brazilian branch of the HBO Latin America. The series was produced by O2 Filmes, and directed by Alex Gabassi and Fábio Mendonça. It first aired on November 25, 2012. The miniseries consists of six episodes focusing on the lives of immigrants in São Paulo, Brazil. Each episode follows the life of a different group, portraying the frustrations, joys, and culture shock they face daily. Most of the characters are played by imm...
Alice is an independent woman, raised in a Japanese family; Mario is an immature guy of Italian origins. Two childhood friends from very distinct families, bond together by a complicity which spans generations. When Alice decides to live abroad, Mario begins to see in her more than just a friend. Now he will go out of his way to make this unlikely love story come to life in this romantic comedy tied by friendship....
In a dystopian future, the Brazilian government decrees a measure that forces black citizens to migrate to Africa in an attempt to return to their origins. Seeing themselves in the center of terror, two cousins take refuge in an apartment, where they debate social and racial issues, and share the same yearning for the change of country....